• Dr. Christie Alexander

  • Dr. Drew Kurtzman

How can we have a bigger impact?

That was the question that stared us in the face.

About 7 years after residency and fellowship, we felt an itch. Not an itch on our skin (we know how to deal with that), but an itch in our soul.

Although our clinical practices were thriving and our patients were overall doing well, we felt unsettled. So, we started pursuing a lot of new hobbies outside of work. Gardening, getting a black belt, getting involved in church, learning new culinary skills. Heck, we even had twins (we're married by the way).

Well, despite all of those amazing things, we still couldn't scratch that nagging itch.

Things changed pretty significantly in 2020, when the world as we knew it changed forever. Not only did the post-pandemic practice of medicine change (remember all of those telemedicine visits?), but for the first time, Drew developed a nagging problem: hand dermatitis.

Drew knew the underlying reason was one that he'd have to deal with forever going forward. It was all of the hand washing that he was now doing (related to patient care). Not that he didn't do it before, but after the pandemic, it became so much more emphasized to keep himself and his patients healthy.

But, Drew wasn't alone. Christie started getting hand dermatitis, and then all of our doctor friends. Maybe the post pandemic soap got stronger?

Although there are a ton of great skin care options on the market, we couldn't find the right balance between natural, non greasy, and effective hand lotions. So, we decided to tackle the problem head on and innovate a solution. Finally, a project that would scratch our itch and answer the lingering question in our minds: how can we have a greater impact (beyond our duty to our patients)?

And that was the beginning of MDCrafted.